مرکز اکادمیک انگلستان تعدادی بورسیه فوق دکتری را جهت ارایه به متقاضیان عرضه کرده است. این بورسیه ها متنوع بوده و تمام وقت می باشند.میزان تخصیص این بورسیه ها سه سال تعیین شده است. مهلت ارسال مدارک تا پنجم اکتبر سال جاری میلادی تعیین شده است. علاقه مندان جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر به این ادرس مراجعه کنند.
- Applicants must be supported by the UK host institution in which they wish to hold the Fellowship
- Applicants must be within three years of the award of a doctorate (for the 2016-17 competition this means either already having been awarded a doctoral degree following a viva voce examination held on or after 1 April 2014; or having a reasonable expectation that they will have submitted and had their thesis examined by 1 April 2017)
- Applicants in the 2016-17 competition awarded a PhD following a viva voce examination held prior to 1 April 2014 who are unable to offer extenuating circumstances, such as interruption to their academic career for maternity leave or illness, will not be considered
- Applicants must be a UK or EEA national, or have completed a doctorate at a UK university. Any applicant who does not fall into one of these categories must demonstrate a strong prior association with the UK academic community, for example through already having been employed in a temporary capacity (longer than twelve months) at a UK university
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