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اطلاعات بیشتر در لینک زیر

Name University Discipline Research ProjectFootnote1

Abdullahi, Abdikarim
University of Toronto Metabolism/Diabetes Glucose control in severely burned patients: a prospective randomized trial

Abraham, Karan
University of Toronto Aging Suppression of RNA-DNA hybrids – towards a novel and coherent mechanism governing repetitive DNA stability, aging, and neurodegeneration

Alexander, John
University of British Columbia Biochemistry Trouncing the “superbug”: the biophysical characterisation of proteins involved in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) antibiotic resistance

Baronas, Victoria
University of British Columbia Biophysics Molecular mechanism of use-dependent activation of Kv1.2 channel complexes and its impact on regulation of neuronal electrical excitability

Benoit, Britney
Dalhousie University Nursing The influence of breastfeeding on cortical and bio-behavioral indicators of procedural pain in newborns

Bremer, Emily
Photo courtesy of Casey Irvin
McMaster University Population Health Advancing the fitness of children with autism spectrum disorder

Chin, Ashley
McGill University Molecular Biology Defining the Role of mRNA Localization in Regulating Epithelial Cell Polarity and Tumorigenesis

Chitiprolu, Maneka
University of Ottawa Molecular Biology Mechanisms Eliminating Stress Granules by Autophagy in ALS Models

Chrystoja, Caitlin
University of Toronto Health Research Inference From Observational Research Methods (INFORM) project: facilitating interpretation of evidence from nonrandomized studies through a bias-adjusted treatment estimate calculator accounting for typical methodological weaknesses in their study design

Cousineau, Sophie
McGill University Virology Dissecting the role of the poly(C)-binding protein 2 in the hepatitis C virus life cycle

Davenport Huyer, Locke
Photo courtesy of Neil Ta
University of Toronto Biochemistry Design of a biomimetic antimicrobial biomaterial using the body’s inherent molecular defense

Fernandez de Cossio Gomez, Lourdes
McGill University Nervous System Prenatal infection and neurodevelopmental disorders: the role of microglia

Glegg, Stephanie
University of British Columbia Health Services Research Using social network analysis to advance knowledge translation in pediatric rehabilitation

Glushko, Anastasia
McGill University Nervous System Neurophysiological correlates of implicit learning in individuals with and without Specific Language Impairment

Godard-Sebillotte, Claire
McGill University Health Services Research Amélioration des soins offerts par les médecins de famille aux personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer : quel impact sur leurs trajectoires de soin?

Graydon, Colin
University of Manitoba Immunology-Transplantation Assessment of the LAG-3 Mechanism on the Inhibition of T cell Activation

Greer, Alissa
University of British Columbia Societal & Cultural Dimensions Of Health Peer engagement and health equity in harm reduction: development and implementation of best practice guidelines for British Columbia

Hall, Clayton
University of Ottawa Bacteriology Transcriptional regulation of the antibiotic resistance and persistence gene ndvB in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

Hetherington, Erin
University of Calgary Societal & Cultural Dimensions Of Health Understanding how social support protects against postpartum depression: A longitudinal analysis

Hirani, Shela
University of Alberta Nursing Facilitators and Barriers to Breastfeeding Practices of Internally Displaced Mothers Residing in Disaster Relief Camps of Pakistan

Hurtubise, Karen
Université de Sherbrooke Health Services Research Is it worth it? Is a new intensive rehabilitation program making a difference for children living with chronic pain?

Huus, Kelsey
University of British Columbia Bacteriology Metabolites in the mammalian small intestine: understanding host-bacterial interactions during child malnutrition and enteric dysfunction

Ion, Allyson
McMaster University Health Services Research Understanding the perinatal healthcare experiences of women living with HIV in Ontario

Ireland, Ronald
University of Toronto Cell Biology The Development of Biomaterial Matrices For Xeno-Free Culture and Long-Term Maintenance of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Khazami pour, Nastaran
University of British Columbia Cancer Combination of a unique parasite-derived chondroitin sulfate targeting-approach with state-of-the art cancer immune therapy technology to target cancer.

Klancic, Teja
University of Calgary Nutrition Obesity risk and early life antibiotic/prebiotic exposure

Klinger, Christen
University of Alberta Cell Biology Bioinformatic, transcriptomic, and functional characterization of novel membrane trafficking genes in apicomplexan parasites and elucidation of their potential role in host cell invasion.

Kovalchuk, Anna
University of Lethbridge Nervous System Chemo brain after cancer treatments: from mechanisms to neurocognitive outcomes

Lamantia, Valérie
Université de Montréal Nutrition Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on NLRP3 inflammasome, dietary fat clearance and insulin sensitivity in humans: in vivo and in vitro models

Lasry, Oliver
McGill University Population Health Exposing a silent epidemic: developing methods that use administrative health data to conduct feasible and accurate traumatic brain injury surveillance across jurisdictions

Lavoie, Monica
Université Laval Aging Efficacité d’une thérapie fonctionnelle auto-administrée via tablette électronique pour l’amélioration de l’anomie dans l’aphasie.

Lawson, Keith
University of Toronto Cancer Genome-scale discovery of renal cell carcinoma vulnerabilities during metabolic stress using a second-generation CRISPR-Cas9 library.

Leal, Jenine
University of Calgary Health Research Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Probiotics for the Primary Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infections

LeBlanc, Veronique
University of British Columbia Cancer Characterizing the Role of Capicua (CIC) Mutations in Oligodendroglioma

Leduc-Gaudet, Jean-Philippe
McGill University Molecular Biology Mechanisms Underlying Sepsis-induced Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction: Role of Autophagy

Manghera, Mamneet
University of Manitoba Cancer The Optineurin Bridge: Co-ordinating autophagic and innate immune responses during human endogenous
retrovirus-K reactivation in ALS

McGirr, Alexander
University of British Columbia Mental Health Mesoscale in vivo cortical imaging in mouse models of major depression: from circuitry to novel neurostimulation and pharmacology.

McVey, Mark
University of Toronto Blood Investigation of Pathomechanisms, Prevention and Treatment of Non-Antibody Dependent Murine Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury

Myre, Maxine
University of Alberta Psychosocial/Health Behavioural Res. Informing the design of public health campaigns: Does reducing anti-fat bias by using non-stereotypical images promote physical activity in individuals with obesity?

Nadeau-Vallée, Mathieu
Université de Montréal Reproduction/Pregnancy Inhibiting Interleukin-1 receptor during pregnancy to prevent neonatal mortality and morbidity induced by placental/chorioamniotic inflammation

Ouyang, Ben
University of Toronto Cancer Designing Clearable Gold and DNA-Based Nanosystems for Tumour Targeting

Pizarro, Katherine
McGill University Mental Health Using participatory action research with Cree youth to understand mental health needs, inform local strategies for improving access to mental health services, and evaluate service implementation

Plitman, Eric
University of Toronto Mental Health The relationship between striatal glutamatergic markers and measures of striatal volume in antipsychotic-naïve patients with first-episode psychosis and medicated patients with chronic schizophrenia: a study with implications for glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity

Podolsky, Dale
Photo courtesy of Dodge Baena
University of Toronto Health Research Advancing cleft palate repair worldwide – surgical simulation and robotics

Rahimzadeh, Vasiliki
McGill University Health Services Research Evaluating the gap between research ethics review governance and data sharing for pediatric genomics in Canada: a case of big data and little ethics?

Roy, Trisha
University of Toronto Cardiovascular MRI characterization of peripheral arterial plaques for planning percutaneous vascular interventions

Siemieniuk, Reed
McMaster University Health Research WikiRECS: Rapid creation and dissemination of trustworthy systematic reviews and clinical recommendations

Stephenson, Erin
University of Calgary Nervous System Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in multiple sclerosis

Tutelman, Perri
Dalhousie University Psychosocial/Health Behavioural Res. Pediatric Chronic Pain and its Impact on Mothers and Fathers

Valencia Sama, Ivette
University of Toronto Cancer Identification of Novel Therapies for High Risk Metastatic Neuroblastoma

Vecchiarelli, Haley
University of Calgary Mental Health Colitis-Induced Alterations in Anxiety and Stress Regulation: Role of Endocannabinoid and Neuroimmune Signaling.

Voon, Pauline
University of British Columbia Population Health Pain among people who inject drugs: Implications for health, risk behaviours and clinical care

Zhang, Allen
University of British Columbia Cancer Deciphering the mechanisms of platinum resistance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer

Zhao, Xiao
University of Toronto Molecular Biology Epigenetic Reprogramming of Radiation Fibrosis using Adipose Derived Stromal Cells