پسادکتری رشته ریاضی و جبر در سوئد

Job description

The department of mathematics at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology together with the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation, is inviting applications for a full-time postdoctoral position in the field of algebraic topology/algebraic K-theory. The position is for two years and will start on Sept 1, 2017.

The senior members of the topology group at KTH are Tilman Bauer and Wojciech Chacholski. The topology group collaborates closely with the algebraic geometry group and with the algebra, geometry and topology group at Stockholm University, including Alexander Berglund and Gregory Arone.

The successful candidate is expected to collaborate with the topology group, contribute to a vivid research atmosphere and actively partake in seminars and other activities. There is no teaching requirement.


Candidates should have completed, or be about to complete, a doctoral degree in Mathematics and show proven excellence or evidence of strong potential in their research in the field of algebraic topology and/or algebraic K-theory. They should not have obtained their Ph.D. degree before January 15, 2014. For non-EU citizens, a work and residence permit is required. Swedish language skills are not necessarily.

Trade union representatives

You will find contact information to trade union representatives at KTH:s webpage.


Log into KTH’s recruitment system in order to apply to this position. You are the main responsible to ensure that your application is complete according to the ad.

Your complete application must be received at KTH no later than the last day of application, midnight CET/CEST (Central European Time/Central European Summer Time).

Applications should contain a curriculum vitae and a research statement. In addition, three recommendation letters should be arranged to be sent either by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to KTH Mathematics, Att: Tilman Bauer, Lindstedtsvägen 25, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden. The application deadline is January 15, 2017.


We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.

Disclaimer: In case of discrepancy between the Swedish original and the English translation of the job announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.

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