- ۱۰% discount for the first year of studies for applications received before 14 March, 2017
To motivate excellent applicants that value knowledge and strive for excellence, RGSL has introduced a new special discount for all applicants – local and foreign – applying for the Bachelor and Masters studies by the Early Admission Deadline 14 March, 2017. To receive the 10% discount, applicants should comply with the admission requirements for their chosen study programme.
- Early Admissions Lottery
An Early Admissions Lottery allows this year’s applicants to win one academic year of tuition-free studies – one spot on the Bachelor programmes and one on the Masters programmes. In order to participate, applicants should submit their documents for early admission before 14 March 2017. Apply online: apply.rgsl.edu.lv
- RGSL Excellence Award for Outstanding Local Applicant
RGSL offers free study places to outstanding local secondary school graduates. The Excellence Award for Outstanding Local Applicants, which covers tuition fees for one semester, has been established to give the most promising students who strive for excellence and a chance to choose a quality education in their homeland. RGSL will offer one free study place on each of the Bachelor study programmes: “Law and Diplomacy” and “Law and Business”.
In order to apply for the Excellence Award, future students must submit their application documents and a motivation letter about the opportunity to study at RGSL for free. The RGSL Tuition Fee Waivers Committee will review all applications, taking into consideration the applicant’s academic performance (weighted average grade) and compliance with admission requirements according to the Rules of Admission and Study Agreement. Only residents of Latvia are eligible for the Excellence Award for Outstanding Local Applicants. Apply online: apply.rgsl.edu.lv
- RGSL Excellence Award for Outstanding Foreign Applicants
Riga Graduate School of Law offers tuition fee waivers to foreign students on the Bachelor and Masters programmes. RGSL strives to make its programmes more accessible to students from Europe and worldwide, and encourages students to enrol at a university that offers a highly respected international law education.
In order to apply for a scholarship which cover tuition fees for one academic year, the candidate must submit application documents and a letter of motivation concerning the opportunity to win this scholarship. The RGSL Tuition Fee Waivers Committee will review all applications, taking into consideration the applicant’s academic performance (overall average grade) and compliance with admission requirements according to the Rules of Admission and Study Agreement. Only those students who are not currently registered as residents of Latvia are considered as foreign students and eligible for a study place tuition waiver. The commission may take into account geographical criteria when considering tuition fee waivers.
In the next academic year RGSL will offer one free study place on each Bachelor programme – “Law and Diplomacy” and “Law and Business”, and one spot on the Masters programmes – “Law and Finance” and “International and European Law” (and its sub-programmes).
The deadline for a free study place application submission for the 2017/2018 academic year is 14 March 2017. Apply now
- RGSL Student Excellence Award
To acknowledge the achievements of RGSL students, to celebrate academic excellence and to foster a motivational atmosphere, RGSL has established the RGSL Student Excellence Award. Every year the success of RGSL students will be evaluated and the award granted to the best students on each bachelor programme. The Award will grant a 500 euro tuition fee waiver for the next semester for one outstanding student on the Law and Diplomacy programme and one on the Law and Business study programme in each study year.
- Other RGSL Tuition Fee Waivers
To support students from various social groups, to acknowledge the loyalty of students, graduates and RGSL employees and promote applications from prospective students, RGSL offers additional Fee Waivers for RGSL employees, children of RGSL employees, siblings of students of the RGSL, orphans, persons with 1st or 2nd degree of disability, graduates of RGSL bachelor programmes and graduates of SSE Riga. Learn more about the tution fee waivers at RGSL from the Riga Graduate Schoolof Law Regulation on Tuition Fee Waivers.
- Other available sources for grants and stipends
- The Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme – Turkey
The Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme, which is implemented under EU funding, aims to increase the number of experts in the EU field and support Turkey’s administrative capacity building efforts for effective implementation of the EU acquis, within the framework of Turkey’s negotiation process for full membership of the EU.
- Latvian Government Scholarship for the academic year 2016/2017 in Latvia for representatives from the following countries:
Azerbaijan, Belgium (French Community of Belgium), Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech, Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Korea, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
- Foreign governments study grants (Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia)