بورسیه دکتری در رشته زیست شناسی در سوئد
The Faculty of Health Science and Technology has an opening for one full-time Ph. D. position at the Department of Environmental and Life Sciences in the field of global climate change as it relates to the ecology of stream fishes in winter. The position is a full time position for 4 years.
The River Ecology and Management Research Group (NRRV), a research group within the Department of Environmental and Life Sciences at Karlstad University, conducts both basic and applied research in rivers, lakes and the surrounding landscape. The group is interested in the sustainable use of natural resources in watersheds, working for solutions to environmental problems that benefit both society and nature. Areas of research addressed by the research group include river connectivity and the effects of hydropower, aquatic-terrestrial interactions, winter ecology under global climate change, endangered species, conservation biology and social-ecological research relating to river regulation and recreational fishing (www.kau.se/biology/research; nrrv.se). Many research topics are conducted in collaboration with stakeholders from industry, administrative agencies, interest organizations and landowners as well as with the group’s extensive international research network.
The group was recently selected as a ‘Strong Research Environment’ by Karlstad University, and has received directed funding to further develop the group’s research profile. This doctoral position is part of the strategy to develop the group, focusing on one of the group’s three core interests, global change and winter. The successful candidate will study the behaviour and ecology of stream fishes in relation to this theme. The specific research questions to be addressed will be decided in consultation with the candidate. Areas of particular interest are (1) studies of predators and prey in relation to ice conditions and (2) studies of the consequences of warmer winters for fish populations.
Education and duties
The Ph. D. program consists of 240 credits, including the dissertation. Doctoral students may also be assigned departmental duties, such as teaching. Doctoral students are also expected to be involved in the daily work of the Department.
Requirements and assessment grounds
To be admitted to the Ph. D. program, candidates must fulfill both the general and special eligibility requirements, as well as be deemed to have the ability to successfully complete the doctoral program (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 7, § ۳۵).
General eligibility. A person who has earned a master’s degree of at least 240 ECTS credits of which at least 60 ECTS credits are studies at the master’s level, or who in some other way in the country or abroad has acquired largely equivalent knowledge has general eligibility for admission. If there are special reasons for doing so, the faculty board may grant an individual applicant exemption from the general eligibility (Higher Education Ordinance, Ch.6).
Special eligibility. To be eligible for admission to graduate studies in Biology requires that one has at least 120 credits in Biology, including a 30 credit independent research course at the Magister or Master´s level (or the equivalent).
Assessment grounds. The successful candidate is the person deemed best to be able to successfully complete the educational program and produce a dissertation of high scientific quality and originality. Of particular importance is the applicant’s academic performance, in terms of grades and course breadth, as well as the quality of their advanced-level, independent research work (30 credits). We prefer candidates with previous experience in experimental ecology. Experience working with fish behavior in an aquarium environment and with winter ecology is also of merit. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are required. A driver’s license is also required. The applicant is expected to work at the university and participate in our research environment. In addition, emphasis is placed on personal qualities such as good interpersonal skills, ability to establish good relations with others and the ability to take initiative and show commitment to the initiatives of others.
Admission occurs after individual evaluation of all candidates. The starting date for the position is as soon as possible, preferably by March 1, 2017 at the latest. Location of employment is Karlstad.
Non-electronic documents (state registration number REK 2016/198) can be sent to:
Karlstad University
Faculty of Health, Science and Technology
Att: Åsa Ivansson
۶۵۱ ۸۸ Karlstad
Karlstad University has chosen advertising channels for this recruitment and declines any contacts from advertising or recruitment agencies.