بورسیه دکتری کامپیوتر/فناوری اطلاعات|انفورماتیک|ریاضی/آمار در فرانسه
A ribosome synthesizing a polypeptide chain from a messenger RNA or a dynein-dynactin complex cargoing molecules along a microtubule are example dynamic molecular machines. The study of such machines is extremely challenging for three main reasons.
First, they involve a large number of subunits (proteins, nucleic acids), in the range 30..100 for the two examples above.
Second, their dynamic nature makes it difficult to capture atomic resolution snapshots using biophysical experiments such as crystallography or cryo electron microscopy (EM).
Third, fixed snapshots, when obtained, do not unveil the dynamic mechanisms at play. For these reasons, modeling such machines usually calls for the integrative modeling, a strategy mixing various experimental data and simulation techniques.