بورسیه دکتری مردم شناسی در آلمان

بورسیه دکتری مردم شناسی|جغرافیا|تاریخ|زبان شناسی|جامعه شناسی|باستان شناسی|روانشناسی|هنر|زبان/ادبیات/فرهنگ در آلمان

بورسیه دکتری مردم شناسی|جغرافیا|تاریخ|زبان شناسی|جامعه شناسی|باستان شناسی|روانشناسی|هنر|زبان/ادبیات/فرهنگ در آلمان


Work­ing field:


Can­did­ates must have com­pleted a uni­versity degree (Dip­lom, Mas­ter, or equi­val­ent) as well as a com­pleted doc­toral degree (or expec­tedly com­pleted until 01/09/17), in a dis­cip­line related to the pro­ject (art his­tory, his­tory, arche­ology, area stud­ies, lit­er­at­ure, cul­tural stud­ies, or eth­no­logy; depend­ing on research focus, can­did­ates from the legal sci­ences, soci­ology, or other related fields will also be con­sidered); Research interest and aca­demic exper­i­ence related to the topic of the pro­ject cluster; His­tor­ical know­ledge of at least one of the rel­ev­ant regions and peri­ods; Very good Eng­lish and Ger­man lan­guage skills. Pro­fi­ciency in at least one other lan­guage rel­ev­ant to the pro­ject is a plus (e.g. Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Rus­sian, Turk­ish). Can­did­ates should prefer­ably have exper­i­ence and be com­fort­able work­ing in an inter­dis­cip­lin­ary team, and pos­sess excel­lent col­lab­or­a­tion and com­mu­nic­a­tion skills.

How to ap­ply:

The applic­a­tion mater­i­als (includ­ing an out­line of 250-300 words for a case study in the pro­ject, a cover let­ter, the CV, and cop­ies of cer­ti­fic­ates) should be sent in a single PDF file to [email protected]. Please mark all applic­a­tion mater­i­als with the ref­er­ence num­ber above. Applic­a­tions by email are strongly pre­ferred; however, applic­a­tions may also be sent per mail to Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin – Der Präsid­ent -, Fak­ultät I, Insti­tut für Kunstwis­senschaft und His­tor­ische Urb­an­istik, FG Kun­st­geschichte, Frau Prof. Dr. Savoy, Sekr. A 56, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623 Ber­lin.

To ensure equal oppor­tun­it­ies between women and men, applic­a­tions by women with the required qual­i­fic­a­tions are expli­citly desired. Qual­i­fied indi­vidu­als with dis­ab­il­it­ies will be favored.

Please send cop­ies only. Ori­ginal doc­u­ments will not be returned.

ID: ۳۳۳۰۶

Num. of em­ploy­ees:
ca. 8300
  • Charlottenburg, Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
  • gradu­ate pos­i­tion
Cat­egory (TU Ber­lin):
  • Research assist­ant without teach­ing oblig­a­tion
  • PostDoc
until 31/08/2020
full-time, part-time employment may be possible
Start­ing date (earli­est):
Salary grade E13
  • design / me­dia / cul­ture
  • hu­man­it­ies and so­ci­al sci­ences
Field of stud­ies:
art history, history, archeology, area studies, literature, cultural studies, ethnology,

  • hu­man­it­ies and so­ci­al sci­ences
Level of edu­c­a­tion:
Diplom, Master oder Äquivalent

Re­ference num­ber:I-79/17By mail:Technische Universität Berlin
– Der Präsident –
Fakultät I, Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Historische Urbanistik, Frau Prof. Dr. Savoy, Sekr. A 56, Straße des 17. Juni 150/152, 10623 Berlin

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