بورسیه ارشد در تمامی رشته ها در دانشگاه کارتین استرالیا
Step 1: Download
- Application form and guide available to download from right hand side of this page when scholarship is open for application
Step 2: Complete
Step 3: Submit
- Closing date listed at top of page and on application form
- Late or incomplete applications will be assessed as unsuccessful
Step 4: Receipt
- Application receipt will be sent to the email listed on application form within 10 working days of receiving application
Step 5: Assessment
- Applications will be assessed by an assessment panel using the following criteria:
- Responses to questions in application form
- Demonstrated financial hardship
- Evidence of refugee status/background
Step 6: Outcome
- Outcome sent via email listed in application form in mid-January 2018 (all successful and unsuccesful applicants notified)
Step 7: Acceptance
- Successful applicants must return acceptance documents by end-January 2018
- Deferral of this scholarship is not permitted
Please note:
- Scholarship will be awarded if there are applicants of sufficient need
- Scholarship will commence from first semester of study
- Scholarship is not transferrable to another university
Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
In Person:
Curtin University
Scholarships Office
Building 101, level 1
Kent Street
Curtin University
Scholarships Office
Building 101, level 1
GPO Box U1987
۰۸ ۹۲۶۶ ۳۲۷۹
Please attach a front cover page containing
۱٫ Student name
۲٫ Curriculum Council/TISC number
۳٫ Number of pages faxed
Please note: All applications must be signed.