بورسیه توبیتاک ترکیه از پژوهشگران بین المللی واجد شرایط برای دریافت بورسیه مقطع فوق دکتری و حضور در یکی از دانشگاه های ترکیه دعوت به عمل آورد. متقاضیان تا ۳۱ آگوست (برای دور اول) و تا ۷ اکتبر (برای دور دوم) فرصت دارند تا درخواست های خود را ارائه کنند.
Deadline: ۳۱ August 2016 (first term) / 07 October 2016 (second term)
Open to: international highly qualified PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to pursue their research in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities
Fellowship: ۱۲ months, grant of ۲,۵۰۰ Turkish Liras /865 USD
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) grants fellowships for international highly qualified PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to pursue their research in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. The program aims to promote Turkey’s scientific and technological collaboration with countries of the prospective researchers. Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate the potential to contribute significantly to Turkey’s goal of international cooperation in scientific and technological development.
- Be non-Turkish citizens (applicants who hold dual citizenship one of which is Turkish are not eligible to apply);
- Hold an invitation from a university or a research institute in Turkey;
- Certify a sufficient command of language to perform your research;
- Be 35 years old or younger;
- Be enrolled in a programme outside of Turkey (for PhD students);
- if you hold a Have a Grade Point Average of minimum 3.50/4.00 in PhD programPhD degree in Turkey.
- Maximum duration for the fellowship is 12 months;
- A monthly stipend of 2,500 Turkish Liras /865.952 USD;
- Travel costs (round trip up to ۲,۲۵۰ Turkish Liras.);
- Health insurance premiums (up to 2,250 TL)*. In case of approval of TÜBİTAK Department of Science Fellowships and Grant Programs (BİDEB) Steering Committee, travel costs and health insurance for the fellow may be partially covered.
Applications will be accepted twice a year. Application deadlines for 2016 are:
First Term : March 07, 2016 – April 07, 206
Second Term: August 31, 2016 – October 07, 2016
All applications must be submitted electronically via TÜBİTAK scholarship application portal. All accompanying required documents must also be uploaded electronically.
For any inquiries please contact: [email protected] or visit the official website to read more information.
با سلام و خسته نباشید من فارق التحصیل ارشد شیمی آلی هستم و حالا میخام تو یکی از دانشگاهای دولتی ترکیه برای مقطع دکتری پذیرش بگیرم میخام بدونم شرایط دریافت بورسیه توبیتاک به چه صورت است؟ برای مقطع دکتری کی باید اقدام کنم؟ آیا پروسه دریافت این بورسیه از پروسه اخذ پذیرش کاملاً جداست؟ چه مدارکی برای دریافت این بورسیه نیاز است؟
با تشکر فراوان از کمک و راهنمایی شما