ه دریافت‌کننده بورس تحصیلی «بورسیه» می‌گویند. در فارسی گاه به اشتباه به بورس تحصیلی «بورسیه» نیز گفته می‌شود. این بورس‌ها معمولاً برای دوره‌های تحصیلات تکمیلی ( کارشناسی ارشد و دکترا) در نظر گرفته می‌شود. امروزه یکی از راه‌های تامین نیروی انسانی در کشورهای توسعه یافته (که معمولاً با کاهش جمعیت روبرو هستند) اعطای بورس تحصیلی است. یکی از مهم‌ترین این بورس ها، بورس تحصیلی اراسموس ماندوس استبراساس دستورالعمل اداره کل بورس وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری ایران، نفرات اول تا سوم دانش‌آموختگان دورهٔ کارشناسی ارشد، دانشجویان نمونه کشوری در دورهٔ کارشناسی ارشد برابر با آیین‌نامه انتخاب دانشجویان نمونه با تأیید معاونت دانشجویی وزارت علوم و یا معاونت آموزشی وزارت بهداشت، داشتن کتب تألیفی و یا ترجمه شده در زمینه‌های علمی، دارا بودن دست‌کم یک مقاله چاپ شده در مجله‌های علمی-پژوهشی داخل یا خارج از کشور در زمینه‌های علمی، دارا بودن گواهی مجری بودن در انجام طرح‌های تحقیقاتی کاربردی پایان‌یافته مورد نیاز کشور و نیز مخترعان و مکتشفان که اختراعات و اکتشافات آنان در سازمان پژوهش‌های علمی و صنعتی به ثبت رسیده باشد، برگزیدگان رتبه‌های اول تا سوم جشنواره‌های خوازمی، فارابی و رازی، ارائه‌دهندگان پیشنهاد سبک‌های هنری کاربردی با تأیید از مراجع ذیربط و مربیان آموزشی و پژوهشی می‌توانند در فراخوان بورس تحصیل خارج از ایران ثبت‌نام کنند.

سطح بورسیه: کارشناسی ارشد

محل تحصیل: دانشگاه ین آلمان و سازمان ملل

موضوع مطالعه: رشته های «جغرافیا، مخاطرات زیست محیطی و امنیت انسانی.

رشته های مورد پذیرش:  تخصص در زمینه هایی شامل ارزیابی آسیب پذیری، خدمات اکوسیستم، توسعه پایدار، مدیریت بحران، تغییر آب و هوا، روابط میان انسان و طبیعت، مطالعات علم و صنعت، توسعه جغرافیا، ژئومورفولوژی، اجتماعی و هیدرولوژی، مطالعات آینده، GIS و سنجش از دور .

زبان تحصیل: انگلیسی

آخرین مهلت:January 15, 2017.

اطلاعات بیشتر

The University of Bonn and the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) are offering up to eight fully funded scholarships for developing countries. These scholarships are available for pursuing Joint Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme “Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security.”

The ultimate goal of the scholarship is to foster intercultural exchange and enable the students to contribute to the sustainable development of their home countries by applying the knowledge they acquired during the study program.

Non-native English speaking applicants must prove sufficient proficiency in the English language.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Joint Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme

Study Subject: Scholarships are “Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security.”

List of Subjects: Fields of expertise include Vulnerability Assessment, Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Development, Disaster Management, Climate Change Adaptation, Human-Nature Relationships, Science & Technology Studies, Development Geography, Geomorphology, Socio-Hydrology, Future Studies, GIS and Remote Sensing.

Scholarship Award: There are eight fully-funded scholarships available.

Scholarship can be taken in Germany


  • Applicants must possess a first, higher education qualification (Bachelor’s Degree) in Geography or a related / comparable professionally certified study programme. Out of all higher education qualifications earned (Bachelor’s, Master’s, additional academic coursework, etc.) applicants must have accumulated at least 100 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) within courses related to the three following areas: Human Geography and Social Sciences with a focus on spatial patterns, society, development; Science methodology and empirical research methods; Physical Geography, Geosciences and Environmental Sciences with a focus on Earth System Science.
  • A strong motivation to contribute to the area of Human Security and management of risks related to Environmental Change is a pre-requisite to study in this Master’s Programme.
  • Applicants should be highly motivated to learn in a multicultural and interdisciplinary environment.
  • A minimum of 2 years of related professional experience is required for candidates from developing countries who additionally wish to be considered for a scholarship under the Development-Related Postgraduate programmes (Epos) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Nationality: Citizens of developing country can apply for these scholarships.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: Eligible candidates should fulfil the following requirements in addition to the general eligibility criteria for the Master’s programme:

  • Being a candidate from a “Developing Country” (according to the classification of the DAAD)
  • Having at least two years of practical work experience (e.g. with an NGO, GO, or the private sector) in a field related to the study programme
  • Having graduated from the Bachelor no longer than five years ago
  • Having completed no other Master in a similar field of studies
  • Aiming at a career as a practitioner in a field related to the programme of study

English Language Requirement: Non-native English speaking applicants must prove sufficient proficiency in the English language.

Germany Scholarships

How to Apply: A completed application packet consists of the following documents:

  1. Completed and signed application form
    ۲٫ A signed Résumé/CV A current résumé including a chronological listing of employment and other significant activities must be submitted with any application.
    ۳٫ Official transcripts: Applicants must submit an official transcript from each college or university in which they were enrolled for any period of time, showing all courses, grades and degrees received
  • Only transcripts that have been certified by the university where the degree was awarded will be accepted
  • In cases where the transcript is written in any other language than English, a certified translation of the transcript into English or German is also required
  • Translated versions can be certified either by the originating university or an official national or international institution
  1. Letter of motivation: A written statement, one to two pages in length, describing their motivation, area of proposed research, background, past work in the intended field of study, plans for further postgraduate study and any other information they feel is relevant. Applicants who are currently registered in a postgraduate programme at another university should explain why they wish to change programmes.
    ۵٫ For non-native English speakers or applicants where English is not the official language, an English language proficiency certificate.
    ۶٫ Copy of Bachelor Thesis or academic essay written as part of the fulfillment of the first degree (preferably in English).
    ۷٫ If the candidate wishes to be considered for the Epos funding by the DAAD the candidate should add the DAAD application form, a motivation letter with reference to the current occupation, professional letters of recommendation from your employer (with recent date, stamped and signed), academic letters of recommendation from your university (with recent dates, stamped and signed), as well as a confirmation of employment from the employer in your home country and if possible, a guarantee of re-employment upon your return home.
    ۸٫ Other relevant documents to support your application:
  • Further certificates on professional experience and expertise (recommended for Epos applicants)
  • Additional Certified Transcripts in cases where additional academic credits were earned outside of Degrees awarded
  • Letters of recommendation

All documents must be scanned and sent together as one single PDF file. Only Epos applicants might organize their application in two files. The file size for each file should not exceed 8 Megabytes (MB). Send completed application packet to: [email protected]

Application Form

Application Deadline: The application deadline is January 15, 2017.

Scholarship Link