دانشگاه لوزان سوئیس دو فرصت شغلی دکتری در حوزه مطالعات ادیان و حقوق را اعلام کرده است. این فرصت تحصیلی چهار ساله از تاریخ اول مارچ سال اینده میلادی شروع شده و زمان ارسال مدارک تا تاریخ پانزدهم ژانویه تعیین شده است.

The Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) is a collaborative project between seven academic partner institutions (Universities of Basel, Lucerne, Lugano, Neuchatel and Zurich, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland and Zurich University of Applied Sciences) to establish a national platform for health systems and services research, policy and practice. The goal of the SLHS is to foster the dialogue between different stakeholders with the aim of developing and continuously integrating research-based solutions to current and future challenges in the health care system.

As part of the SLHS the Faculty for Theology at University Lucerne/Switzerland is offering

۲ PhD positions in Canon Law / Law and Religion

with start date March 1, 2017 or by arrangement. The PhD students have the opportunity to enroll in one of the PhD programs offered by the Swiss School of Public Health.

Your tasks:

  • Active Research based on your individually approved Research Proposal in the fields of Canon Law or Law and Religion;
  • Support in teaching and administration
  • Support in research, publications and conferences
  • Supervision of Undergraduates

Your qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in theology or law
  • Strong academic record (GPA of 5.0 or better is required for students from Swiss Universities, or equivalent for students from abroad)
  • Excellent knowledge of German and English (spoken and written)
  • Well-structured and time responsible working methods
  • Excel skills for the distant learning program of the faculty of Theology
  • Ability to work in a team

Candidates can expect to work in a challenging position with unique possibilities for research, skills, development. The positions are for 4 years.

Employment is according to Official regulations in the Swiss Canton of Lucerne. Salaries follow the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation, see http://www.snf.ch/SiteCollectionDocuments/allg_doktorierende_e.pdf.

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Adrian Loretan, [email protected]

Please submit your application, including a cover letter, CV, copies of university transcripts indicating your study achievements, an example research project (e.g., master thesis, term paper), and stating the reference number ۱۶۰۰/۰۰۰۵ via email to [email protected] until January 15, 2017