بورس لیسانس University of Westminster فرانسه


📌 مرجع بورس دهنده :

ENS de Lyon, France
Master Degree
📌 رشته های مورد نظر:

All Masters Degree Progammes in Exact Sciences, the Arts or the Human and Social Sciences offered at ENS de Lyon (except FEADép Master’s programs)

📌 گروههای مورد نظر:

International students

✨میزان بورس :
Not specified
The scholarship is 1000€ per month for a duration of 12 months. It is renewable for 12 months in Masters Year 2 provided the candidate is selected by the head of the Masters program and validates the Masters Year 1.
📌 آخرین فرصت اقدام:

۱۲ Jan 2017 (annual)

📌 شرایط اخذ پذیرش :

• You must be a foreign national
• You must be 26 years old maximum at the application deadline (born after 11 January 1991).
• Candidate for admission in Masters Year 1: provide proof that you have obtained a Licence (equivalent to 180 ECTS European credits) or an equivalent diploma/level recognized by the ENS deLyon.
• Candidate for admission in Masters Year 2: provide proof that you have successfully reached Masters Year 1 level (equivalent to 240 ECTS European credits) or have attained an equivalentdiploma/level recognized by the ENS de Lyon (e.g. MPhil).

اطلاعات بیشتر ( لینک مرجع) 👇 👇 👇
